Browsing Eucharistic Revival

Spark Day 1: Revival

We all need revival. The root word itself—revive—means “to live again.” After these few intense years, don’t you feel like you need to live again? “The Eucharist is God’s response to the deepest hunger of the human heart, the hunger for authentic life, for in the Eucharist Christ himself is truly in our midst, to nourish, console and sustain us on our journey” (Pope Francis). Thus, encountering Christ in the Eucharist offers us a unique opportunity to be revived. Jesus Christ—who called people back to life (both physically and spiritually)—desires our revival and is making it happen. Let that sink in. We stand on the brink of a significant moment for the Catholic Church in the United States. The Eucharistic Revival is a uniting movement, gathering up sparks and fanning them into flame throughout our country. You can be a part of that moment. But revival is not just for this moment. It’s for every moment. Revival has been happening since Pentecost, when the disciples waited for the next step. It is true that revival is a corporate work—but it begins personally. If you are reading this, it most likely means you desire revival for more than just you. You desire it for everyone. That’s how this becomes a movement that transforms our world. When we embody that renewal as it has taken place in us and bring it to other people, we become missionaries. Over the next nine days, you will read a short reflection, prayer, and challenge in this blog. We want to use this time to pray for revival and for the courage to invite others to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist so they can experience new life as well. True revival is always the work of God. We can’t fake it or manufacture it, nor can we force it. But we can choose how we
respond: we can be open to it. Jesus is calling us to something deeper. Do you desire it?

Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that revival begins in me. I give you permission to reveal the places in my heart and in my life where I need your spiritual nourishment so that my love for you may be revived and I may be more closely united with you. Give me a heart that desires revival for others and the courage to share who you are. Amen.

Just as the Holy Spirit brought newness of life at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has been given to us to offer us that new life. Spend 10–15 minutes in silence today, asking the Holy Spirit to bring revival to you. It may be as simple as repeating, “Come, Holy Spirit.” Be open to how the Spirit may make Christ known to us in this time. 


  • Mrs. Bridget IwaszczenkoPosted on 11/02/23

    Come, Holy Spirit! Set a fire in our hearts. Open our hearts, minds, and entire lives to God's forgiveness and grace. Help us share the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist with those who do not understand what is truly happening during Mass.

  • TerryPosted on 10/30/23

    Come Holy Spirit!

  • Suzanne HillPosted on 10/30/23

    I want to experience God’s love for me by receiving the Eucharist.