Browsing Eucharistic Revival

Spark Series 9 Day Prayer Challenge

Welcome to the Revival Spark Series! You’re about to enter into nine days of prayer focused on preparing your heart for revival. As you walk with the Holy Spirit during this time, be open to how he wants to speak to you about encounter, healing, mission, and mercy—all flowing from a love for the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith, in which Christ is truly, really, and substantially present.

We recommend praying all nine days in a row, but if you miss a day, don’t get discouraged, and don’t give up! Remember that our enemy wants to keep us from prayer, but Jesus is always waiting for us to return to him with open hearts. If at any point you’re struggling to pray, tell Jesus about it. Ask for Mary’s intercession, and if possible, try to go to an adoration chapel so you can be with Jesus in person.

Above all, expect God to work in amazing ways in your life as you surrender yourself more deeply to him. We’re excited for the spiritual fruit you will experience from this prayer journey!


  • DiPosted on 1/31/24

    I would like to take this challenge.