October 2023 archive of Eucharistic Revival

October 2023 archive of Eucharistic Revival

Spark Day 2: Kerygma

Posted by Mrs. Bridget Iwaszczenko on 10/31/23

DAY 2: KerygmaREFLECTION:Some pieces of news result in big changes—an acceptance letter for school, a job, or a home. But have you ever received news that changed the course of your life? The announcement of a pregnancy or the death of a loved one carries a different weight. Life ... Read More »

Spark Day 1: Revival

Posted by Mrs. Bridget Iwaszczenko on 10/30/23

REFLECTION:We all need revival. The root word itself—revive—means “to live again.” After these few intense years, don’t you feel like you need to live again? “The Eucharist is God’s response to the deepest hunger of the human heart, the hunger for authentic life, for in the Eucharist Christ himself ... Read More »

Spark Series 9 Day Prayer Challenge

Posted by Mrs. Bridget Iwaszczenko on 10/30/23

Welcome to the Revival Spark Series! You’re about to enter into nine days of prayer focused on preparing your heart for revival. As you walk with the Holy Spirit during this time, be open to how he wants to speak to you about encounter, healing, mission, and mercy—all ... Read More »


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