November 2023 archive of Eucharistic Revival

November 2023 archive of Eucharistic Revival

Spark Day 9: Mission

Posted by Mrs. Bridget Iwaszczenko on 11/09/23

DAY 9Mission REFLECTION:Congrats! You’ve made it to day nine of our meditations. However, this is far from the end. In fact, this is only the beginning. Pope Francis reminded the faithful of our call to mission in 2019 when he said, “I am a mission, always; you are a mission, ... Read More »

Spark Day 8: Works of Mercy

Posted by Mrs. Bridget Iwaszczenko on 11/08/23

DAY 8Works of MercyREFLECTION:Can you think of a time when someone did something kind or helpful for you? Maybe they paid for a meal when you were short-changed or made you chicken noodle soup when you were sick. Perhaps it was offering prayers for you or a loved one ... Read More »

Spark Day 7: Pilgrimage

Posted by Mrs. Bridget Iwaszczenko on 11/07/23

DAY 7: PilgrimageREFLECTION:There are two types of people in the world: those that like to hit the open road and those who prefer to stay at home. Whether or not you prefer to stay on your couch nestled under a cozy blanket or enjoy a long road trip with ... Read More »

Spark Day 6: Mary, Mother of the Eucharist

Posted by Mrs. Bridget Iwaszczenko on 11/06/23

DAY 6: Mary, Mother of the Eucharist

REFLECTION:The Bible tells of a great love story between God and his people. We have been loved into existence. Created by love and for love—the eternal love of heaven. Even despite our sins, “God so loved the world that he gave his only ... Read More »

Spark Day 5: Source and Summit

Posted by Mrs. Bridget Iwaszczenko on 11/03/23

DAY 5: Source and SummitREFLECTION:Controlled chaos. Deafening silence. Bittersweet. Oxymorons like these are an amusing part of speech. They place together words that, at first glance, appear to be at odds with one another. Yet in context, they often make sense and even bring about greater clarity when dealing with ... Read More »

Spark Day 4: Healing

Posted by Mrs. Bridget Iwaszczenko on 11/02/23

DAY 4 Healing

REFLECTION: Sometimes our lives can feel like a rollercoaster, filled with high and low moments. As much as we strive to enjoy the positive moments, we know that they come and go, and even if we do our best to avoid the low moments, we know ... Read More »

Spark Day 3: Encounter

Posted by Mrs. Bridget Iwaszczenko on 11/02/23

DAY 3: Encounter

REFLECTION: In the Gospels, we hear stories about the people who encountered Jesus—a woman at a well, a rich man, a group of fishermen. But what about the people that are not recorded (John 21:25)? How many thousands of people did Jesus encounter? An encounter with ... Read More »


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