Browsing Eucharistic Revival

Spark Day 6: Mary, Mother of the Eucharist

DAY 6: 
Mary, Mother of the Eucharist

The Bible tells of a great love story between God and his people. We have been loved into existence. Created by love and for love—the eternal love of heaven. Even despite our sins, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life” (John 3:16). God’s love has redeemed the world. But this great love story hung upon a “yes” of a young teenager named Mary. In giving God her simple and total “yes,” Mary became the Mother of God. Thirty-three years later, Jesus would give her to us, so that she would become the Mother of the Church. Now each of us can claim Mary as our own. We rely on Jesus’ Mother for her prayers and trust her to assist us in our spiritual walk. 
Though she never steals the spotlight from her Son, we can garner assuring glimpses of her compassion and powerful intercession in Scripture. At the wedding feast of Cana, we see her bring the newly married couple’s need to Jesus, and Jesus responds by performing his first public miracle. At the Crucifixion of Christ, while many of Jesus’ closest followers were in hiding, we find Mary at the foot of the Cross, proving she is willing to be close to pain and suffering.
In our Blessed Mother, we find more than an advocate; we also find an example of how to relish God’s presence. One of the few Gospel passages that describe Mary’s actions is Luke 2:19, “And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” Here we catch a glimpse of her life of fruitful prayer, meditating upon all that Jesus has said and done. When Jesus walked amongst humanity, how many people passed him by without recognizing the gift of his proximity? Mary was always aware of who Jesus was and the importance of his nearness. God chose Mary to bring forth Christ into this world. For nine months, Mary was a living tabernacle. Christ physically dwelled within her. As we go into the world, we too can be living tabernacles as Christ dwells within us through our participation in the Sacred Liturgy and the Eucharist. As disciples of Christ, we must allow Mary to draw us close to her Son. John Paul II wrote in Ecclesia de Eucharistia, “Mary can guide us toward this most holy sacrament because she herself has a profound relationship with it.” Mary’s mindfulness, faithfulness, and devotion drew her close to Jesus, and following her example can help us do the same. Today, let us follow Mary’s example and reflect on the love of Jesus in our hearts.

Mother Mary, you are the perfect example of discipleship and devotion to Jesus. We thank you for your motherly compassion and intercession. We pray that we may become more like you, living tabernacles filled with the presence of Christ. As we follow after your Son, we pray that you wrap us in your loving mantle of protection. Lead us ever closer to Jesus. Amen.

Today, we invite you to pray a decade of the Luminous Mysteries, The Institution of the Eucharist. In praying this decade of the Rosary, reflect and contemplate Mary’s love and devotion to her Son, Jesus. Ask her to bring you closer to her Son and to receive the gift of the Eucharist anew.


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